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As a general rule Woodleigh RN and PP bullets generate similar pressures to conventionally constructed soft nose bullets. You can use published data from other bullet and powder manufacturers. For safety, reduce by 5% and work up. Ensure that the case neck has a good grip on the bullet.




Woodleigh steel jacketed FMJ's generate more pressure than our soft nose bullets for any given load.To assist the barrel's lead to engrave the rifling on the bullet, most Woodleigh FMJ's are 0.0005" to 0.001" under nominal diameter. It is important for the case neck to have a good grip on the bullets, especially when loading for dangerous game.

Factors which affect the grip are:- Bullet diameter and inside neck diameter. Inside neck diameter is a product of case neck wall thickness, die neck diameter and neck plug diameter. As a general rule, start with a charge 5% below that used for soft nose bullets, and work up.




Woodleigh hydros may generate more pressure than our soft nose bullets for any given load.To assist the barrel's lead to engrave the rifling on the bullet, most Woodleigh hydros are 0.0005" to 0.001" under nominal diameter. They also have driving bands which also reduce pressure significantly, making them safe to use in older rifles. It is important for the case neck to have a good grip on the bullets, especially when loading for dangerous game.


Factors which affect the grip are:- Bullet diameter and inside neck diameter. Inside neck diameter is a product of case neck wall thickness, die neck diameter and neck plug diameter. As a general rule, start with a charge 5% below that used for soft nose bullets, and work up.

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